James Markus Stock Photos, Prints, and Photographic Products
1000s of stock photos for your advertising needs
High Quality Stock Photos for reasonable prices
Find just the right image for your ad campaign. If you
have a special request - just use the "contact" at the
top of any page on Photomatter to email me your request.
Topics include: Abstract, Animals or Wildlife, Art, Beauty &
Fashion, Birds, Black & White, Bugs, Cactus, Cats & Dogs,
Children, Conceptual, Covered Bridges, Cross Sections,
Flowers, Food, Fruit, Humor, Landscapes, Lighthouses,
Nature, Night, People, Still Life, and Vegetables.
Dozens of Photomatter Products
Fifteen themes, and almost 400 products
Photomatter Product themes include: Humor, Animals,
Seascapes, Landscapes, Birds, Cats, Butterflies, Fruit,
Vegetables, Artistic, Flowers, Lighthouses, Cover Bridges,
Nature, and Cross Sections.
Photomatter Products include: T-Shirts, Sweat Shirts,
Hoodies, Greeting Cards, Note Cards, Coffee Cups, Mugs,
Pet Bowls, Postcards, and Tote Bags.
COMING SOON - Cameras and Computers!
A Store for the gear conscience
Only the finest camera and computer gear are
featured in this store. Reduce your shopping
time by eliminating the fluff.